NHS Rainbow Badge initiative

We Celebrate Diversity

NHS Rainbow Badges

At BrisDoc we want to showcase one of our core values; ‘We are inclusive’.

The NHS Rainbow badges are just one way to show that BrisDoc is an open, non-judgemental and inclusive place for people that identify as LGBT+.

LGBT+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and the + means that we are inclusive of all identities, regardless of how people define themselves.

The initiative originated at Evelina London Children’s Hospital and aims to make a positive difference by promoting a message of inclusion.

We have adopted the NHS Rainbow Badge because:

  • Inclusivity leads to better healthcare:
    There is lots of evidence nationally that people who identify as LGBT+ have higher likelihood of anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm. A stonewall report estimates that one in seven LGBT+ people have avoided treatment for fear of discrimination, which could adversely impact on their health. The badge provides an obvious visual cue to support patients in feeling comfortable disclosing their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and in seeking advice and support.
  • Inclusivity improves staff wellbeing:
    A stonewall report has shown that more than a third of LGBT+ staff have hidden that they are LGBT+ at work for fear of discrimination We want people to feel safe at work and free from the fear of discrimination. We want to educate and raise awareness of the importance of LGBT+ experiences so that we can further grow our culture of understanding and inclusivity. There is also strong evidence linking staff wellbeing and motivation to better patient outcomes so by supporting staff we will also be able to deliver the best patient care.

Why wear a badge?

By choosing to wear this badge, you are sending a message that ‘you can talk to me’. You aren’t expected to have the answers to all issues and concerns but you are a friendly ear, and will know how to signpost people to the support available.

It’s not just about wearing a badge—there are simple things we can all do to promote inclusion, such as:

  • Using inclusive language
  • Affirming the identity that a person chooses to use
  • Assuring confidentiality

You may be the first person someone has ever felt confident enough to open up to about how they feel, especially with LGBT+ young people.  For them, it may be one of the most important moments of their life, and how you respond to it is something they will remember and can play a key role in making their overall experience better.

What do I do if a person opens up to me?

The badges aren’t designed as a symbol intended to prompt people to open up to you, but they may prompt a person to disclose information about their own sexual orientation or gender identity, perhaps for the first time. Wearing a badge doesn’t mean you’ll have all the answers but most importantly you should be prepared to listen and signpost to relevant information and support.

What to do if you feel you need to escalate a conversation?

If you are specifically worried that there is an immediate or serious risk to the person’s physical or mental health, then you should escalate to your line manager and the service appropriate Safeguarding Lead.

Safeguarding Leads:

Where to signpost people for support:

NHS Rainbow Badge Pledge Form

By choosing to wear this badge, you are sending a message that “you can talk to me” about issues of gender identity and sexual orientation. You aren’t expected to solve all issues and concerns, but you are a friendly ear and will know how to direct those you speak with to support available.

NHS Rainbow Badges